Virginia Deer Hunters Educational and Habitat Foundation, Inc.

The Virginia Deer Hunters Educational and Habitat Foundation's purpose is to educate the public on the responsibility of wildlife habitat and provide college scholarship. The Foundation has qualified under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 501 (C) (3). This will allow donors to deduct contributions they make under IRC Section 170 that is separate from the Virginia Deer Hunters Association’s (VDHA) operating budget. The Foundation also qualifies to receive tax deductible bequests, devises, transfers or gifts under this code and no contribution is considered too small.
All contributions made to the Foundation will be earmarked for Education or Wildlife Habitat Enhancement of public lands. Scholarships for undergraduate and graduate students studying Forestry, Conservation, Whitetailed Deer Management, Conservation Law Enforcement and VDGIF Internships at accredited colleges. These scholarships will be funded through private donations and certain fundraising activities by the VDHA.
The Foundation will also support the preserving and expanding of wildlife habitat with such activities as purchasing equipment, providing landscaping materials such as fruit trees, seed, fertilizer, lime and other environmental activities as needed. The Foundation will work with the U.S. Forest Service, The National Wildlife Refuge, The State and National Park Service, The Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries and The Virginia Wildlife Habitat Coalition. By working together, this partnership will set high standards, that will greatly benefit our wildlife natural resources for all Virginians!
Our first project for the foundation has been completed at Sandy Point State Forest in King William County. The purpose of the project was to improves white-tailed deer habitat within forest openings. We planted 10 acres of clover and a cover crop of oats during the fall of 2018. This cooperative project with the Department of Forestry- State Forest Division and Department of Game and Inland Fisheries will benefit multiple wildlife species, improve public land hunter satisfaction and improve opportunities for outreach and education for all Virginians through these wildlife and hunter related outdoor experiences. The forest is open to hunting and the Virginia Deer Hunters Educational and Habitat Foundation is honored to play a role in this public land outreach program!
New projects are being considered. Our Foundation is pleased to be working with state and federal agencies to improve public land wildlife habitat. These projects will play a major role in the future of wildlife and hunting!

Lee Roy Gordon Scholarship Grant
The Lee Roy Gordon Scholarship Grant was established by the Virginia Deer Hunters Association in 1989 to commemorate the spirit and dedication of the late Lee Roy Gordon, a charter member and active participant in the Virginia Deer Hunters Association.
Over $250,000 has been contributed to this fund. The Scholarship grant program has come from proceeds of annual Association banquets, which provide funds necessary to support graduate or advanced undergraduate research on issues relating directly to the study of white-tailed deer.
In January 1996, Ben West, a Master's Degree candidate, was selected as the first recipient of the Lee Roy Gordon Scholarship Grant. The Gordon Scholarship has allowed Ben to pursue a study at the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences/Virginia Tech. The scholarship course administered by Virginia Tech examined the extent and severity of damage caused by deer in Virginia and to develop recommendations to improve management of deer to minimize conflicts between deer and humans. This project is nearing completion and will provide valuable input as the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries completes its revision of the Virginia Deer Management Program.
The VDHA will continue to raise funds for future research studies. The organization is looking forward to a new student working on another project in the near future.
Eight $2,000 Scholarships Available
For the Study of:
• Forestry, Biology
• Conservation and White-tailed Deer Management
• Conservation Law and Law Enforcement
• VADWR Internships
All accredited Community College, Undergraduate, Graduate and Certificate Programs Eligible If you wish to donate to the scholarship fun, please contact Executive Director Denny Quaiff at quaiff@verizon.net.
Deadline to Apply: May 31, 2025